Chronic social stress and obesity : its effects.

Chronic social stress may affect obesity and other health issues. Social stressors include recurrent interpersonal disputes, discrimination, and social isolation can cause physiological responses that lead to weight increase and obesity.

Chronic stress causes the body to release cortisol, a stress hormone. High cortisol levels may affect metabolism and abdominal fat storage.

Stress Eating: Many people overeat or consume sugary, fatty comfort foods when stressed. This can cause weight gain by increasing calorie consumption.

Stress Management: Some people use food to manage stress, which can lead to emotional eating and poor eating patterns.

Chronic stress can cause insulin resistance, which reduces cell response to insulin. Insulin resistance increases obesity and type 2 diabetes risk.

Reduced Exercise: Chronic stress can make people tired and unmotivated to exercise.

Stress Management: Some people use food to manage stress, which can lead to emotional eating and poor eating patterns.

Weight gain might result from poor coping habits such excessive alcohol or substance misuse.

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