How does high-intensity interval training (HIIT) vary from low-intensity interval training (LIIT)?

HIIT is loved by fitness lovers worldwide. One of the most effective workouts for fat loss and muscle tone. However, properly conducted Low-Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) is as beneficial.

Both HIIT and LIIT are interval training, although they differ. For those who dislike tough, sweaty workouts, LIIT is for you. This article discusses the main differences between HIIT and LIIT and their health advantages.

Short bouts of intensive activity are followed by rest intervals in HIIT. HIIT lets you do any activity by peaking and taking a rest. This workout raises your heart rate, burning calories.

People who want to burn the most calories quickly should do HIIT. Exercise for 10–30 minutes and you're done for the day.

LIIT is like HIIT but less intense. LIIT takes longer to execute and recover from. This does not imply it is less effective or doesn't work.

LIIT is equally effective as HIIT. This exercise boosts strength, mobility, and cardiovascular endurance.

Time distinguishes HIIT from LIIT. LIIT exercise takes longer than HIIT to provide identical results. LIIT requires less intensity than HIIT, which requires full effort. You may sprint in HIIT and jog in LIIT.

High-intensity exercise like HIIT may not be for everyone. HIIT might boost cortisol production, stiffen muscles, and tire you rapidly. In extreme circumstances, it might cause joint discomfort. LIIT is kinder on joints and leaves you less weary. LIIT is ideal for osteoporosis and joint pain sufferers.

Both HIIT and LIIT may be done without equipment, but they test your body differently. A new research found that low-intensity exercise puts you in an aerobic condition, which burns fat quicker than anaerobic activity. If you have persistent stress, HIIT might raise cortisol production and ruin your workout. LIIT is safer.

Most people assume the two workouts burn quite different amounts of calories, but they don't. HIIT and LIIT burn the same number of calories. You only need to workout longer. If you HIIT for 30 minutes, LIIT for an hour will get the same outcome.

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