Misconceptions that prevent us from quitting relationships that are not healthy

The initial reaction of couples fighting is to blame and victimize each other. Dysfunctional marriages can't go past bickering, hatred, and blaming each other.

Toxic partners persist in persuading themselves to remain in relationships despite the devastating effects on their mental health.

That being said, here are a few typical misconceptions that unhealthy couples often tell themselves when they are unable to escape a poisonous relationship.

Fighting, blame, victimization, and self-loathing are not relationships. We know the outcome even if we push ourselves to believe it. Trust and understanding are essential to a relationship, but if they erode, it ends.

If you sugar-coat things and conceal facts to prevent a dispute, you may prefer to feel in charge. That is a complete myth. Avoid withholding battles and thinking the conflict would have gone worse without you. Fights should be addressed maturely without superheroing.

If you have to persuade yourself your spouse loves you, you're in a toxic relationship. If you think your spouse loves and respects you out of duty or obligation to support you, it's best to break up. In a partnership, there is self-accountability and love, not duty or fear.

During disputes and arguments, couples may turn to harmful coping mechanisms like drinking or injuring themselves to calm down. Both couples should maturely calm down and take the necessary steps to resolve the issue. Constantly pounding the wall or damaging furniture to calm down is unhealthy and hazardous.

Finally, lying to avoid escalation will hurt the connection. Especially critical secrets shouldn't be shared between couples. Hiding the truth may provide short-term solace, but it increases the likelihood of serious relationship destruction.

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