which make sure each meal has a range of food categories.

Balanced and healthful diets include a range of food types at each meal. This technique ensures your body receives a wide range of important nutrients for maximum health.

Incorporate lean protein throughout every meal. Poultry, fish, lean meats, eggs, dairy, legumes, tofu, beans, and lentils are options.

Whole grains include fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, oats, barley, and bread are examples.

Half your plate should be bright vegetables. Include leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes), and other nutrient-dense veggies.

Use seasonal fruits in your cooking. Fruits provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Eat them with yogurt, cereal, salads, or as snacks.

Calcium and vitamin D are found in dairy and fortified dairy alternatives. Milk, yoghurt, cheese, almond milk, soy milk, and fortified oat milk are options.

Consume avocados, almonds, seeds, olive oil, and salmon for healthful fats. They supply vital fatty acids and aid food absorption.

Season your food with herbs and spices. They add flavor without calories and have health advantages. Basil, cilantro, turmeric, garlic, ginger.

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