Winter friendly plants for your outdoor space. (Part-1)

Winter-friendly plants can beautify your garden even in winter. Some options:

Winter-friendly plants can beautify your garden even in winter. Some options:

The sturdy pansy (viola) can survive freezing conditions. They grow in beds or pots and come in many colors.

Hellebores, or Lenten roses, bloom in late winter and early spring. They have lovely white, pink, purple, or green nodding blooms.

Camellias: Evergreen plants with magnificent winter blossoms. They thrive in shadow and come in many colors.

Late winter witch hazel (Hamamelis) has fragrant, spidery blooms. It gives the winter garden a unique look.

Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum): This deciduous shrub blooms bright yellow in winter. It enhances walls and fences.

Many ornamental grasses preserve their structure and color throughout winter, adding visual interest. Fountain Grass, Switchgrass, and Blue Fescue are examples.

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